How do you see the night?

There’s an episode of Dr. Who where they go back in time and meet Vincent van Gogh.  One night, the Doctor, his buddy Amy, and Vincent lay together in a field and looked at the stars.  Vincent takes their hand and invites them to see the world as he sees it.  The sky explodes in the swirls of color and light and wonder we all know from the “Starry Night” painting.

Now, maybe they saw it because they already knew what he would paint.  Maybe because it’s science fiction and made for a good TV moment…. but….

What if we could do this with the people we connect with in our lives?  What if, by putting out the intention and holding their hand we could show someone the world as we see it?

HOW MUCH heartache would that remove from our lives?

Instead, we’re stuck with words and art and all the “normal” ways.

My computer version of that painting is a lot more childlike, more simple, more colorful.  It’s more me and I love it.  What does YOUR night sky look like?

To download the full 11×14 high-resolution image, click the smaller one below.

It will open in Google Drive, simply select “download” from the top menu.

Are you using this image for a project? Share it with me either in comments or on my Pinterest.

Abstract Adventure Cacti Change Child-Like Connection Dogs Dreams Flowers Freedom Grungy Heart Imperfect Industrial Journaling Joy Mushroom Non-Image Pack Paper Pretty Reflection Scrapbooking Self Love Shadow Work Stillness Travel Valentine Vintage


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