For as long as I can remember, it has felt like my insides are a giant dark black hole. There was only pain and hurt and the frantic attempt to cover it all up so I didn’t feel it.
Every love, every drink, and every person I needed to desperately like me was another patch on the dark.
Patches don’t hold, and when the dark came streaming out at me last time I couldn’t cope and there was nowhere to run, nothing to patch it back up.
Now I’m staring into the dark and searching for the lessons it’s trying to teach me. I’m pulling it apart, strand by strand – listening to it, learning, and then holding it as the light fades it away.
It’s a miserably wonderful process.
That’s what this image represents to me. Come on into the light, I will be here for you, I will hold you and listen, and then you can rest.
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