Tag: Reflection
Mom was not Impressed
How many times have you been super excited about something, and you share it with the people you love and they’re like, oh ok. Cool. From childhood, we’ve experienced this our whole lives. The last time a toddler ran up to you super excited about something random, what was your reaction? That’s about what I…
Yet the Spirit is Strong
I have been to the lowest of lows, with gory details that I won’t inflict on anyone. And I felt like I was permanently, un-changeably broken forever. It wasn’t until I stared into the darkness that was growing in me that I saw different. And I assure you, I wasn’t staring because I was strong,…
Why do we love butterflies more than moths?
How often have you seen the butterfly be the graphical representation of change? Personally, about 100 times too many. Yes, it’s magical.. they’re a worm, then they cocoon up, liquefy and BAM a whole new being. There are literally millions of other types of insects that do the exact same thing, yet most of them…
We fight change, but love Autumn
According to a 3-second Google search, just over 40% of people when questioned say their favorite season is autumn, myself included. Yet I often find myself fighting change and holding onto things for dear life, long after it is time to let them go with any dignity. If the trees held fast to their leaves…
How do you see the night?
There’s an episode of Dr. Who where they go back in time and meet Vincent van Gogh. One night, the Doctor, his buddy Amy, and Vincent lay together in a field and looked at the stars. Vincent takes their hand and invites them to see the world as he sees it. The sky explodes in the…
Thrive anywhere
OK, OK, I know this type of image has been done before. It’s not the image though, it’s the intention behind its creation and the feelings it may invoke. I think maybe 1% of the world grows up in a condition they may think of later as “ideal”. Even for people who had a stable…
All deserts have a road
I fell in love with the desert the first time I saw it in 1999. The endless horizon, the flatness. I love that the sparsity of the plants lets you see and appreciate every single one, rather than a forest that hides the uniqueness. Playing with the AI trying to get some nice art of…
Softening the Hard Edges
Can’t you just relate to a cactus some days? There you are, colorful, thriving in the harshest of conditions, maybe even blooming – but un-touchable. Maybe you’re scared, lonely, or just don’t want to be hurt. In those moments we can sometimes prick the people who try to get close to us. This isn’t bad…
Where Beauty Meets Function, We Take Flight
How just intricate is this image? How beautiful it is. I look into those eyes and I see a strength. I see a woman who has had to grind every gear, make every connection, and make her way in a harsh world. Yet she remains beautiful and feminine. She has not lost the beautiful soul…
What a mess we can make
We’re not usually TRYING to make a mess, we’re just doing our thing. Living, working, thriving, and enjoying our morning coffee. Then you look around, and just think “Oh boy, did I make a mess of this”. I think that’s alright in the end, we’re kind of meant to make a mess of things. The…